Olivia DeGennaro

“I’ve loved to dance as long as I can remember. In fact, my favorite memories throughout my life have happened on dance floors. But as an adult, I lost touch with my connection to dancing. And that’s when I decided I needed a monthly ladies dance night in my life. So I dreamt up the idea of Goddess Night Out and found local sisters in Sacramento to help me make it happen!”


Sarah Flowers

I am a free human, a warrior of light, and an ambassador for the plants. My mission here is to support myself and others in awakening. To share magic that unlocks our wells of vitality through plant medicine, music, and movement.

I am so excited for Goddess Night Out because having a space for full embodiment is such a powerful thing. My heart has long desired a space in Sacramento for us to come together to dance and connect in a conscious way.

Music and Dance have been everything for me. I grew up in the rave scene and having a space to let loose and be myself with no judgement allowed me to grow into who I am today. Dancing has been such a powerful way to ground into my body, step into the present moment and let my emotions flow through me. It has been both nourishment and a powerful release. My favorite thing is hitting a state of flow on the dance floor.


Jenna Ecklein

Jenna is a singer and artist. She is an expert at tapping into her inner-child.


Riva Jean-Paul

Riva is a fabulous human with a heart of gold.


Ashley Linnane

Hey all, Ashley here!!

Your brand photographer, business coach, dance floor extraordinaire, & ultimate hype girl!

In my world, dance is a gateway to how we express ourselves, know ourselves and love ourselves…and as an entrepreneur, all of those things are essential.

I grew up doing dance, cheerleading & gymnastics and always have felt a connection with movement- But in college, I really met my spirit on the dance floor at my first music festival.

I came alive, a met a new version of myself. One who felt empowered, expressed, authentic…Going to music festivals opened my eyes to a new way of BEing in the world, and expanded my horizons to the world of entrepreneurship.

Now as a photographer and business coach, I help my clients meet the edge of their expression in their marketing & social media presence. I think the way we market ourselves relies on our ability to KNOW ourselves, and dance is one way to explore that.

It gives us a unique perspective, edge, and insight to who we are & how we want to BE in the world

I can’t wait to get down & shake it out on the dance floor… See you there!


Katy Avila

I am a transformative embodiment guide, musician and writer living in Oakland, CA. I guide people into becoming their authentic selves - who they are dying to be - through accessing their full emotional and creative expression all through the Deep BodyⓇ method of embodiment.

Dance and movement is the only thing that has allowed me to get out of my head and into my body. The way we move is a spiritual practice, a prayer for our life, a portal for transformation and creation of our world. I so look forward to creating this community with others who understand the alchemy of dance and connection among women.